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Horn Entrepreneurship

Summer Founders Underway

Early June, we found out that University of Delaware Horn Entrepreneurship will welcome its largest cohort of students to Summer Founders 2020 virtually. This group of students was composed of twenty-two startup teams totaling 34 students in the 12-week virtual pre-accelerator. During these virtual summer weeks, our founders have been receiving mentorship, education, and resources to develop and advance their concepts. Since going virtual, the groups have seen their fair share of ups and downs. The biggest include how to advance their concepts and build relationships with their teams all through a computer screen. 

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Horn Certificates: Innovation & Entrepreneurship for Health

Innovation & Entrepreneurship for Health is offered through the College of Health Sciences and teaches students how to create healthcare solutions and products via entrepreneurial methods. Susan Varghese, a junior Cognitive Science major, told me all about how she got involved with entrepreneurship and why she’s so passionate about it.

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Danielle Fisher Finds Root Cause for Clean Water

Danielle Fisher, CEHD20, is making a splash in the world by bringing clean water systems to communities in need. As a human services major and a Delaware Innovation Fellow, Fisher’s entrepreneurial journey has, like a river, flowed from place to place, creating new channels as it moves.

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Horn Certificates: Entrepreneurial Leadership

The Entrepreneurial Leadership certificate is offered through the Lerner College of Business and Economics and teaches students how to lead with innovation within a dynamic organization or environment. I spoke with Jonathan Amato, a junior in the certificate program, to learn more about entrepreneurial leadership and how entrepreneurship relates to his major, finance.

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Horn Certificates: Design & Creative Making

The Design & Creative Making certificate is offered through the College of Arts & Sciences and teaches students how to think creatively and apply entrepreneurial thinking to design creation. I interviewed freshmen Fashion Merchandising major Brianna O’Doherty about why she joined the Design and Creative Making certificate and how she intends to utilize entrepreneurship skills in fashion merchandising.

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Horn Entrepreneurship Awards Celebration Announcement July 2020

Horn Entrepreneurship is excited to announce all of the accomplishments and successes of our community of creative thinkers, trailblazers and world-changers this quarter.

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Horn Certificates: Eco Entrepreneurship

Eco-Entrepreneurship is offered through the College of Earth, Ocean & Environment. The purpose of Eco-Entrepreneurship is to help students understand the environmental aspect of business decisions and the most environmentally friendly practices for entrepreneurs and business owners. Senior Geography student Megan Barry shared her experience with Eco-Entrepreneurship and how entrepreneurship relates to geography.

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Shifting Events to Virtual World


Adapting to the Big Shift to Online Events

Four months ago we were sent home to limit our in person interactions.  We were amateurs but zoom was there to help. We forgave the family interruptions and learned everyone's pet’s name, and sometimes could not find that link!  It was new to everyone and it was comforting to see others struggle with the new normal like you were. Now four months have gone by and we no longer have a pass on its 

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Horn Certificates: Introductory Article

Have you ever wanted to learn about a different field of study without the pressure of adding a minor to your degree? Or found a minor you wished you could add, only to find out that it was in another college and not offered to you? Well then the certificates program may be perfect for you!

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A Love for Adventure and Traveling Leads to Her Dream Career

Nina Price, a 2017 graduate with a degree in Organizational and Community Leadership and minors in Entrepreneurial Studies and International Business, left a lasting impact on Horn Entrepreneurship. Now, she leaves a lasting impact on the personal relationships she creates with her clients at Audley Travel. Price uses her extensive knowledge of Australia to create a personalized travel guide while using many of the lessons she learned at Horn.

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