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Horn Entrepreneurship

Equity Thru Entrepreneurship

A world of abundance, with limitless and equal opportunities. The power to change your circumstances and self‐determine your future. A level playing field where the best ideas win. These ideals attracted me to entrepreneurship and converted me into an enthusiastic entrepreneurship education evangelist.

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Summer Founders 2020 Virtual Demo Day: Recapped

After a long and intensive 12-week program, Horn Entrepreneurship's Summer Founders assembled virtually this Tuesday for the pre-accelerator’s 5th annual Summer Founders Demo Day. With 18 teams and over 130 total attendees at the virtual event, this year’s Demo Day marks the program’s biggest yet.

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Shifting Events to Virtual World


Adapting to the Big Shift to Online Events

Four months ago we were sent home to limit our in person interactions.  We were amateurs but zoom was there to help. We forgave the family interruptions and learned everyone's pet’s name, and sometimes could not find that link!  It was new to everyone and it was comforting to see others struggle with the new normal like you were. Now four months have gone by and we no longer have a pass on its 

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A Love for Adventure and Traveling Leads to Her Dream Career

Nina Price, a 2017 graduate with a degree in Organizational and Community Leadership and minors in Entrepreneurial Studies and International Business, left a lasting impact on Horn Entrepreneurship. Now, she leaves a lasting impact on the personal relationships she creates with her clients at Audley Travel. Price uses her extensive knowledge of Australia to create a personalized travel guide while using many of the lessons she learned at Horn.

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Fighting Like a Warrior

Editor's Note: Alexa's mission started before COVID-19 but she has since continued to work hard as the majority of people in her community suffer with chronic pain and underlying health issues. Keep reading to hear about what Fight Like A Warrior is all about.

This story of entrepreneurship is unique in that the entrepreneur's passion grew out of her personal circumstance and care for others.  Read More

Doing the Real Work

“The real work of creating a more just society falls on each of us, every day and wherever we may be.” - UD President Dennis Assanis, May 29

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Be Recognized with the Blue Hen 17&43 Awards! A Call to UD’s Promising Ventures and Fast-Growing Companies

The Blue Hen 17&43 Awards are the University of Delaware’s way of recognizing students and alumni who are part of the most promising new ventures and the fastest-growing companies today.

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Studying Social Entrepreneurship in Germany

This past winter, Horn Entrepreneurship assistant professor and Faculty Director of Social Entrepreneurship Stephanie Raible led a group of students on the first ever Social Entrepreneurship study abroad trip.

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Tips For Online Success

Picture this: You’re on your college campus, enjoying life thinking, “Wow this is great! What could possibly go wrong?” And now you find yourself in your hometown on the couch fighting with your siblings, all while trying to organize your new life. It seems like none of us have the answers, but we do have some advice that can help in this tornado of a life we’re all living right now. The best thing you can do above all is remember that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and we will all come out as stronger Blue Hens than we were before all of this. So let's walk through your routine while being home and see what tips you can utilize:

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Still Open for Business: Pitching Over Zoom with VentureOn

It’s not everyday that you find yourself pitching in the presence of the “Tiger King” himself. But for participants of VentureOn’s most recent spring pitch party, the Joe Exotic cameo was just one of the quirks that came with having to pitch virtually.

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