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Horn Entrepreneurship

Extreme You Founder Wins Entrepreneurial Award

The University of Delaware Horn Entrepreneurship has announced the winner of the 2019 Siegfried Award for Entrepreneurial Leadership: former president of Gatorade and founder of Extreme You, Sarah Robb O’Hagan.

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Gear Up for Fall: Tips to Make the Most of Your Semester

The days are getting shorter and classes are now in full swing! The start of the semester is always a time of transition, regardless of whether you’re a wide-eyed freshman or a grizzled senior. Implementing strong practices and mindsets early in your semester will help you get the most out of your time on campus. 

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Entrepreneurship Majors Launch VDC Lending Library

Entrepreneurs are defined by risk-taking and initiative, and Entrepreneurship majors Meredith Ackerson, Class of 2020, and Mason Faust, Class of 2022, are no exception to this rule. Meredith, around the Horn Entrepreneurship community since her first year on campus, wanted a place for students to read all the books the speakers and local business leaders recommended to students. Now in her final year, Meredith has made her idea a reality with the new VDC Lending Library.

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2019 Blue Hen 17&43 Awards

University of Delaware Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics and Horn Entrepreneurship announce recipients of the 2019 Blue Hen 17&43 Awards, which recognize University of Delaware students and alumni who have founded or led promising new ventures and fast growing companies. Fifty-one businesses will receive the honor.

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Horn Entrepreneurship Awards Celebration Announcement August 2019

Horn Entrepreneurship is excited to announce all of the accomplishments and successes of our community of creative thinkers, trailblazers and world-changers this quarter.

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How Sam Stokes Created a Location-Independent Lifestyle Business

For many, the last year spent in school is a daunting, anxious ordeal filled with uncertainty about the next step in life. Sam Stokes, Entrepreneurship & Technology Innovation (ENTI), Class of 2018, was no different, but rather than go through the motions of finding a job to start down a career path she didn’t deeply care about, as many of her friends were doing, Sam spent her final year in school searching for her higher purpose and deepest interests and passions. Now, Sam operates a location-independent lifestyle business that provides web design services for small businesses and solopreneurs who want more from life.

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Summer Founders 2019 Demo Day Recap

The Summer Founders teams convened one last time on Tuesday, August 20, at the Venture Development Center for the 2019 Demo Day. The eight startup teams worked diligently all summer on their respective ventures, and each was able to showcase that hard work through their individual presentations. Along with the Summer Founders teams, the Venture Development Center was filled with potential investors, UD alumni, and other members of the Horn Entrepreneurship community.

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Summer Founders July Progress Report

Summer Founders, now almost three-quarters of the way through its 11-week programming, has already provided participating student ventures with valuable lessons on their entrepreneurial journey. The Horn Entrepreneurship marketing team caught up with a few of the student founders last month, and checked back in for more updates from July.

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The Cost of Free Press with Michael Friedenberg

It took 27 years for Michael Friedenberg, President of News and Media Operations for Reuters, an international news organization, to return to UD for a visit. The Entrepreneurship Club, a student-run organization supported by Horn Entrepreneurship, invites entrepreneurial alumni and community members to share their insights with students on a weekly basis during Free Lunch Friday. Michael shared Reuters’ views on freedom of the press in international spaces and why factual based reporting is important.

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Building Community Through Sewing, From Delaware to Ghana

ChaCha Hudson started The SEWcial Cafe, a community sewing space for women to create, collaborate, and develop handmade products in a relaxed and inspiring environment that encourages innovation with in October 2018. Now almost a year on from launching, and ChaCha wants to bring her unique value of sewing expertise with strong community building practices to other women across the world. 

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