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Horn Entrepreneurship

Building Community Through Sewing, From Delaware to Ghana

ChaCha Hudson started The SEWcial Cafe, a community sewing space for women to create, collaborate, and develop handmade products in a relaxed and inspiring environment that encourages innovation with in October 2018. Now almost a year on from launching, and ChaCha wants to bring her unique value of sewing expertise with strong community building practices to other women across the world. 

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From Creative Outlet to Unique Value for Others

Kelsey Kosinski’s original intention was to complete an engineering degree and solve complex problems. But in her freshman year, she quickly realized how much she missed the creative outlet she had through sewing and designing her own fashions. Kelsey abruptly switched her major to fashion design and trusted her interests would lead her in the right direction.    

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Horn Entrepreneurship News Round-up July 2019

While the UD community enjoys the summer weather and a quiet campus, only to be interrupted by the constant construction on Main Street, the Horn Entrepreneurship community has been busy making waves outside of Newark. We have gathered up a host of stories about what our amazing and active community members have been up to, creating growth and positive change wherever they are. 

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Summer Founders June Progress Report

Summer Founders is about a third of the way through its 11-week programming and has already provided participating student ventures with valuable lessons on their entrepreneurial journey. The Horn Entrepreneurship media team caught up with a few of the student founders to find out what insights they have gathered from the program so far.

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Hard Work, Dedication, Support Have Patient Sortal Ready to Serve

Patient Sortal, a Hen Hatch 2019 winner in the alumni track, has grown from a nascent startup to a qualified healthcare data management company eager to make a difference in the lives of patients with chronic conditions. Founder Kenny Eck, Alfred Lerner College of Business Economics, Class of 2018, says that persistence and the unwavering support of his family, are what have made the two-year journey possible.

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Horn Entrepreneurship Awards Celebration Announcement May 2019

Horn Entrepreneurship is pleased to announce all of the success and honors our fantastic community of creators, scientists and doers have accomplished this quarter.

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Passionate Persistence and Reflective Growth to Deliver Service Trip

Jaeah Yoo, Mechanical Engineering, Class of 2021, will be traveling to Puerto Rico with his registered student organization (RSO), People for Puerto Rico (PPR), to carry out a dream two years in the making. The PPR President and member of Blue Hen Leadership Program (BHLP) stuck through the ups and downs of running an organization and through growth and self-reflection, made a service trip to Puerto Rico a reality.

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Dr. Middlebrooks Textbook to Hit Leadership Courses and More

After more than 20 years of teaching at the intersection of creativity and leadership, as well as 10 years in non-profit leadership positions, Dr. Tony Middlebrooks has co-authored and released Discovering Leadership: Designing Your Success, with James L. Morrison, a professor of public policy and administration at the University of Delaware, Scott J. Allen and Mindy S. McNutt. The foundational leadership text will be used across LEAD100 course sections and beyond at the University of Delaware, as well as adopted by other universities across the country.

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From Management to Venture Capital: Dimension Ventures is Creating an Impactful Future

John Smothers, Leadership and Entrepreneurship & Technology Innovation, Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics, discovered his true passion through the entrepreneurial journey and pivoted away from his business management degree to dive into leadership and entrepreneurship. Now, John is a founding partner at Dimension Ventures, an investment firm eager to create real impact for a better future through investments in highly selective startup ventures. But John’s journey wouldn’t have been possible without his work ethic and the transformational relationships he was able to form.

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Hen Hatch 2019 Winners Announcement

Winners of the Hen Hatch competition were announced during its final round on Tuesday, April 30 at the Queen in Wilmington, Delaware.

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