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Horn Entrepreneurship

The Horn Lemonade Stand

I asked Dan Freeman, Horn's founding director, to write this article a couple weeks ago; but Dan, like all of us, has been in the midst of turmoil, chaos and upheaval. I kept saying “Dan, write about entrepreneurial mindset, adapting to rapid change, resilience…just write something.” So, after urging, nudging, prodding, I decided to write it. Here it goes:

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Amanda Monachelli’s Journey to Startup


Joining Startup Island in the spring of 2019 and later that year the Horn Entrepreneurship Summer Founders program, Amanda Monachelli, Class of 2021, was eager to build her business, EmpowHER, which works diligently to create undergarments that comfortably fit a diverse range of body types. Now splitting her time between being a full-time student, working at an internship over the winter, being a Diamond Challenge judge, and running EmpowHER, Amanda constantly has her hands full. Read More

Patience and authentic connections result in dream career start

Jamie Fisher, Communications Class of 2018, finished her senior year at the University of Delaware with a desire to enter an entrepreneurial working community. By applying patience and making authentic connections, Jamie got off to a dream start with Trapica, an artificial intelligence targeting optimization and marketing automation for marketers, in Philadelphia, PA. 

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Lazarus Rising: UD Alumni Grow Nonprofit, Helping the Homeless Find Work

A recent Lazarus Rising mentoring session suggests good things to come for the future of both the young nonprofit and its participants. The session involved a college student in Washington giving one-on-one job-hunting advice via video chat to a resident of a New York homeless shelter.
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Horn Entrepreneurship Awards Celebration Announcement Fall 2019

Horn Entrepreneurship is excited to announce all of the accomplishments and successes of our community of creative thinkers, trailblazers and world-changers this quarter.

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Building Community Through Personal Initiative

This past winter, Nico Repollé flew out to Urbana, InterVarsity’s global leadership conference in Saint Louis, Missouri, on a mission to build his faith, relationships and potentially secure a summer internship. Now the Entrepreneurship major, Class of 2021, has traveled to Hawaii and Fiji and served as a mentor to young adults and teenagers, finding his purpose along the way to help bring social impact change to communities around him. 

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Fall Pitch Party Winners Announced

The University of Delaware Horn Entrepreneurship recently hosted their fall pitch party at the Venture Development Center, complete with 31 student pitch presentations and a $1,500 prize pool - an all-time high in pitch party history.

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How Deadlyft is Making Moves in the Music Industry

Jamie Brown started creating music as a way to connect heavy-weight lifters with heavy-EDM listeners. Now he is a musical artist going by the name Deadlyft. What he calls “muscle music” is about more than just the brand. For him, creating and sharing his music has become a lifestyle. 

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Blue Hens of a Feather: From Friends to Founders

Republished with permission from the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics, who originally published the content here: https://lerner.udel.edu/seeing-opportunity/friends-to-founders/. The “Blue Hens of a Feather” series highlights students and alumni of the University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics who “flock together” with fellow Blue Hens to launch successful business ventures. Read on for the story of two friends who started their company while at UD and have remained true to their Blue Hens origins as they’ve expanded.

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Pitch Your Value to Find the Right Fit

After deeply exploring the tech space on his entrepreneurial journey, Jonathan Wood, Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics, Class of 2019, discovered his true unique value. The recent graduate emphasized his own tech and entrepreneurial capabilities to land a full-time tech role within PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), a Big Four public accounting firm with more than 250,000 global employees.

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