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Horn Entrepreneurship

Horn Entrepreneurship Releases Official Blog

University of Delaware’s Horn Entrepreneurship is pushing their blog out of the shadows and into the public eye! The blog is designed to keep students, faculty and the community at large up to date on events, opportunities, awards and a myriad of other milestones attached to the organization.

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5 Reasons Why Every Student, Alum and Staff Member Should Participate in Hen Hatch


Hen Hatch, University of Delaware Horn Entrepreneurship’s premier startup competition, returns in spring 2018 to provide students, alumni, faculty and staff an excellent opportunity to pursue and improve their business ideas. Outside of being a fantastic opportunity to pitch your ideas, Hen Hatch provides five amazing and phenomenal benefits that everyone can take advantage of, win, lose or draw!

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Freshman ENTI Major Joins VentureOn

Snoop, an ambitious new tech student team in University of Delaware Horn Entrepreneurship VentureOn program, is led by freshman Entrepreneurship & Technology Innovation major Andrew Cercena. The Delaware native graduated from Tower Hill and has used his own experience transitioning from high school to college to inspire entrepreneurial creativity.

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Savvy Sisters Media at VentureOn

University of Delaware Horn Entrepreneurship VentureOn program has officially accepted Savvy Sisters Media into its Fall 2017 semester cohort. Savvy Sisters Media is a digital agency that specializes in social media marketing and is spearheaded by senior Integrated Communications major Jamie Levy.

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Diamond Challenge Judges Needed

The Diamond Challenge is seeking judges for its 2018 competition. Created in 2012 by the University of Delaware’s Horn Entrepreneurship, and sponsored by Capital One, the Diamond Challenge is an entrepreneurship competition for high school students that allows teens to learn about entrepreneurship while putting their ideas into action.

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Socially Conscious Streetwear at VentureOn

Be[MAN]Kind, a socially conscious streetwear startup, is working to provide a form of expression through clothing in response to the current political climate. The apparel startup is one of several participating teams in University of Delaware Horn Entrepreneurship VentureOn and is spearheaded by Adam Polansky, a senior Entrepreneurship & Technology Innovation major, and Keith Obiero.

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Horn Launches Signature Internship Programs


University of Delaware Horn Entrepreneurship has successfully launched the Signature Internship Program. The program is exclusively tailored to place Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation students

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