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Horn Entrepreneurship

Summer Founders 2019 Demo Day Recap

The Summer Founders teams convened one last time on Tuesday, August 20, at the Venture Development Center for the 2019 Demo Day. The eight startup teams worked diligently all summer on their respective ventures, and each was able to showcase that hard work through their individual presentations. Along with the Summer Founders teams, the Venture Development Center was filled with potential investors, UD alumni, and other members of the Horn Entrepreneurship community.

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Summer Founders July Progress Report

Summer Founders, now almost three-quarters of the way through its 11-week programming, has already provided participating student ventures with valuable lessons on their entrepreneurial journey. The Horn Entrepreneurship marketing team caught up with a few of the student founders last month, and checked back in for more updates from July.

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The Cost of Free Press with Michael Friedenberg

It took 27 years for Michael Friedenberg, President of News and Media Operations for Reuters, an international news organization, to return to UD for a visit. The Entrepreneurship Club, a student-run organization supported by Horn Entrepreneurship, invites entrepreneurial alumni and community members to share their insights with students on a weekly basis during Free Lunch Friday. Michael shared Reuters’ views on freedom of the press in international spaces and why factual based reporting is important.

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Building Community Through Sewing, From Delaware to Ghana

ChaCha Hudson started The SEWcial Cafe, a community sewing space for women to create, collaborate, and develop handmade products in a relaxed and inspiring environment that encourages innovation with in October 2018. Now almost a year on from launching, and ChaCha wants to bring her unique value of sewing expertise with strong community building practices to other women across the world. 

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Horn Entrepreneurship News Round-up July 2019

While the UD community enjoys the summer weather and a quiet campus, only to be interrupted by the constant construction on Main Street, the Horn Entrepreneurship community has been busy making waves outside of Newark. We have gathered up a host of stories about what our amazing and active community members have been up to, creating growth and positive change wherever they are. 

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Summer Founders June Progress Report

Summer Founders is about a third of the way through its 11-week programming and has already provided participating student ventures with valuable lessons on their entrepreneurial journey. The Horn Entrepreneurship media team caught up with a few of the student founders to find out what insights they have gathered from the program so far.

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Horn Entrepreneurship Awards Celebration Announcement May 2019

Horn Entrepreneurship is pleased to announce all of the success and honors our fantastic community of creators, scientists and doers have accomplished this quarter.

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Hen Hatch 2019 Winners Announcement

Winners of the Hen Hatch competition were announced during its final round on Tuesday, April 30 at the Queen in Wilmington, Delaware.

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Horn Student Award Winners 2019 Announcement

Seven UD Students were honored with scholarships and awards from Horn Entrepreneurship for the 2018-2019 school year. The students will be formally recognized for their achievements at an award ceremony held during the final round of Hen Hatch, UD’s premier startup competition.

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Find Your Passion and Find Your Future: Lessons from the Entrepreneurial Journey

Vince DiFelice, Senior Instructor of Practice and Faculty Director of Venture Support, has been an instrumental figure in helping nascent student startups find their footing and future success. Beyond delivering exceptional venture support guidance, Vince has helped students find new passions and recalibrate their career goals to better match what they are most interested in.

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