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Horn Entrepreneurship

McKinley Lynn

Recent Posts

Inspiring Leadership: UD Horn Hen Of The Month

Congratulations to Brian Bressler! Brian won the April Horn Hen of the Month award. He is a junior at the University of Delaware, has distinguished himself with a double major in Entrepreneurship and Marketing, and a minor in Professional Sales. The Horn Hen of the Month award highlights a student that is inspiring others and impacting their community.

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November Horn Hen of the Month: Emily Paget


The Horn Hen of the Month article series is a series dedicated to highlighting Horn students who are inspiring others and impacting their community. One nominated Horn student will be chosen each month and a written feature will document their hard work and progress as they go through their time at Horn, within our community, and beyond. The winning student will also receive a gift card and a Horn Hen of the Month certificate. To nominate a student, fill out this Google form. Any student involved with Horn Entrepreneurship is eligible to be nominated.

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October Horn Hen of the Month: Xen K. Bossard

The Horn Hen of the Month article series is a series dedicated to highlighting Horn students who are inspiring others and impacting their community. One nominated Horn student is chosen each month and a written feature will document their hard work and progress as they go through their time at Horn, within our community and beyond. The winning student also receives a gift card and a Horn Hen of the Month certificate.  

To nominate a student, fill out this Google form. Any student involved with Horn Entrepreneurship is eligible to be nominated.  

For October, Xen K. Bossard has won the Horn Hen Of The Month award. Xen is currently a sophomore, majoring in Finance and English with a minor in Entrepreneurship. His involvement in the Delaware Innovation Fellows adds another dimension to his diverse interests. Xen has worked at The Tutoring Center since 2019 as Head Instructor, where he works with over 100 students in Math and English from ages 4 to 18. Within this role, he helps run the SAT prep program and trains the other instructors on academic instruction goals. The Tutoring Center is just like the type of business that Xen would like to own one day. Xen envisions owning a business focused on helping children learn English. His passion for education and assisting kids, coupled with his understanding of finance and language, forms the foundation of his entrepreneurial aspirations.

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September Horn Hen of the Month: Olivia Jin

The Horn Hen of the month article series is a series dedicated to highlighting Horn Entrepreneurship students that are inspiring others and impacting their community. One nominated Horn student will be chosen each month and a written feature will document their hard work and progress as they go through their time at Horn, within our community and beyond. The winning student will also receive a gift card and a Horn Hen of the Month certificate. To nominate a student, fill out this Google form. Any student involved with Horn Entrepreneurship is eligible to be nominated.

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