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Horn Entrepreneurship

Inspiring Leadership: UD Horn Hen Of The Month

HHOTM- (april) Brian BresslerCongratulations to Brian Bressler! Brian won the April Horn Hen of the Month award. He is a junior at the University of Delaware, has distinguished himself with a double major in Entrepreneurship and Marketing, and a minor in Professional Sales. The Horn Hen of the Month award highlights a student that is inspiring others and impacting their community.

Brian Early Interest in Entrepreneurship

Awarded the Horn Hen of the Month in April, Brian has made significant contributions to the entrepreneurial community at UD. Raised in Columbus, New Jersey, a rural suburb of Trenton, Brian appreciates the supportive environment and the opportunities the Horn community has provided him. 

His entrepreneurial journey traces back to his childhood, when he and a friend established a snow shoveling enterprise. Armed with just a clipboard and a shovel, Brian canvassed his neighborhood, laying the groundwork for his future ventures. His endeavors expanded into furniture flipping and eventually led to the launch of an online e-commerce venture specializing in blue light glasses. Brian characterizes the Horn community as "Supportive,"  emphasizing its role in facilitating connections with like-minded individuals and fostering meaningful relationships.

Campus Engagement and Professional Journey

Brian's involvement at the University of Delaware is extensive and varied. He actively participates in Alpha Kappa Psi and Pi Kappa Alpha, where he has honed his professional development, interview, and networking abilities. Furthermore, Brian contributes to the Horn Ambassador program and plays a key role assisting in running the Horn Signature Internship Program. These positions, as well as his internship as a Property Management intern at Tsionas Management and upcoming position as a Management Trainee at Enterprise, have equipped him with valuable real-world experience and fostered significant professional development.

Passion For Entrepreneurship

Brian's passion for entrepreneurship stems from the autonomy it offers and its capacity to embrace change. He cherishes the entrepreneurial mindset for its ability to enhance his openness to opportunities and adaptability to varying circumstances. This perspective provides a distinct advantage in the business world, setting him apart from peers in other fields. 

Influential Professor and Mentorship

In terms of mentorship within the Horn community, Brian finds inspiration and support from Ted Foltyn. Working alongside Ted has strengthened their connection, and Ted's support has been valuable to Brian's growth. Brian's advice to incoming freshmen is to "Maximize your involvement." Brian urges new students to explore the diverse opportunities available at the Venture Development Center (VDC), reflecting on his own wish to have engaged with these resources earlier. Brian Bressler exemplifies the entrepreneurial spirit and leadership qualities recognized by the Horn Hen of the Month award. Congratulations, Brian!

About the Horn Hen of the Month 

The Horn Hen of the month article series highlights Horn students that are inspiring others and impacting their community. One nominated Horn student will be chosen each month and featured in a story and social media. The article will document their hard work and progress as they go through their time at Horn, within our community and beyond. The winning student will also receive a gift card and a Horn Hen of the Month certificate for their achievement. To nominate a student, fill out this Google form. Any student involved with Horn Entrepreneurship is eligible to be nominated. Let's continue to recognize and support the remarkable individuals shaping our community's future.

About Horn Entrepreneurship

At the University of Delaware, Horn Entrepreneurship stands as the driving force for fostering entrepreneurship, education, and progress. Currently ranked among the best entrepreneurship programs in the US, Horn Entrepreneurship has been established and is actively championed by accomplished entrepreneurs. This support empowers aspiring innovators as they embark on the journey of exploring new ideas for a brighter and more impactful world.

Heni Petal also contributed to the article

Topics: entrepreneurship, students, Horn Hen of the Month