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Horn Entrepreneurship

Presenting the 2024 Summer Founders Team: Leading In Environment

The Summer Founders program takes approximately 12 weeks, from June 3 to August 15. During this pre-accelerator program, students receive a stipend while developing their ventures. They are supported by weekly mentoring, educational sessions, and progress meetings with advisors. The flexible structure and individualized mentorship allow each team to work on achieving specific goals unique to their projects. The program concludes with "Demo Day," a presentation to mentors, advisors, and stakeholders on Thursday, August 15, which all students must attend. There is one team under the theme of “Environment” involved in the Summer Founders program this summer, and that is Big Rig’s Lionfish Spearfishing Expedition and Charter.

Introducing the Summer Founders Environment Team:


Big Rig's Lionfish Spearfishing Expedition and Charter


Founded by Thomas Repetz, a class of 2024 Marine Biology major. 

Thomas recently graduated this past May form the University of Delaware, receiving a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Marine Biology along with certificate of eco-entrepreneurship. During his studies, he was able to learn and experience many things that assisted his venture and passions today, such as countless research projects, coding with Rstudio, and also utilizing multiple types of data collection techniques. His strong background in environmental studies along with a dash of entrepreneurship ultimately led him into a program like Summer Founders. Just another avenue to impact the world for the better with a different perspective.


Thomas's startup is a spearfishing charter business based in Miami, Florida. The company offers a variety of excursions, including lionfish spearfishing, eco-tours, sandbar trips, sunset cruises, and booze cruises. Thomas and his business partner share responsibilities, with one driving the boat and the other acting as first mate or leading dives. They plan to start with a pontoon boat, accommodating up to six customers per trip, and aim to run multiple charters daily to maximize earnings. Their unique lion-fish spearfishing excursions target the invasive species, helping preserve Florida's coral reefs. Unlike other charters in Miami, Thomas's business offers spearfishing on SCUBA, providing a distinctive experience.


Interview Questions with Thomas Repetz


Question 1: What problem are you addressing through your startup?

“Lionfish are invasive and destroy the environment. People want to help remove them but lack the resources to do so on their own.”


Question 2: What is one thing that you learned from Summer Founders?

“Summer Founders has reinforced to me the ability to take criticism or feedback that you may not like and understand that it's meant to better you and your idea.”


Question 3: What has been the most impactful feedback from a mentor or speaker so far?

“The most impactful feedback from a mentor or speaker was about planning our startup for scalability now instead of planning for it after getting it off the ground.”


Question 4: Please share your social media handles.

For more details about this startup, visit Instagram: @thomasrepetz87.”


Refining Solutions for Invasive Species:

Thomas Repetz’s startup addresses the problem of invasive lionfish that damage the environment, Thomas Repetz and his business partner offer a solution for those lacking resources to remove them. From the Summer Founders program, Thomas Repetz has discovered that feedback is an important aspect to a business and it also helps refine his venture through his experience in the Summer Founders program. The most valuable feedback he received was about planning for scalability from the start. Therefore, this insight has empowered him to develop a more robust strategy, ensuring that his solution can grow and adapt to increasing demands as it gains traction.


The Summer Founders Program And Demo Day: 

In conclusion, the Summer Founders program at the University of Delaware offers a dynamic platform for emerging entrepreneurs to refine their ventures over a 12-week period. With the combination of a stipend, tailored mentorship, and educational sessions, participants like Thomas Repetz gain crucial support to bring their innovative ideas to life. Thomas’s venture, Big Rig’s Lionfish Spearfishing Expedition and Charter, exemplifies the program’s commitment to addressing real-world challenges through unique solutions. The program culminates in an event called, "Demo Day" on August 15, where these ventures will be showcased to a broader audience. This event marks the culmination of a transformative experience, reinforcing the program's role in nurturing entrepreneurial talent within the Horn Entrepreneurship community. To explore these innovative projects, registration for Demo Day is available here.


About Horn Entrepreneurship

Horn Entrepreneurship serves as the creative engine for entrepreneurship education and advancement at the University of Delaware. Currently ranked among the best entrepreneurship programs in the U.S., horn Entrepreneurship was built and is actively supported by successful entrepreneurs, empowering aspiring innovators as they pursue new ideas for a better world.

Topics: entrepreneurship, Summer Founders, demo day, environment