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Introducing the 2024 Summer Founders Teams: Innovators in Efficiency

Written by Natalie Kessler | Aug 14, 2024 5:35:00 PM

The Summer Founders program is a 12-week pre-accelerator initiative from June 3 to August 15. During this time, students will receive a stipend while working on developing their ventures. The program features weekly mentoring, educational sessions, and progress meetings with advisors. Its flexible structure and individualized mentorship allow each team to focus on achieving their unique goals. The program culminates in "Demo Day," a presentation to mentors, advisors, and stakeholders on Thursday, August 15th, where student participation is mandatory. Participants are required to work on the University of Delaware campus throughout the program.  The teams in the efficiency theme include ArPlan, One Click Docs, Kitch Co., Offshore Fishing Intel Service. 


Introducing the Summer Founders Efficiency Teams:


Team Members: Joshua Artis (Computer Science BS) and Hanna Armstrong (Biomedical Engineering)

ArPlan is revolutionizing event planning with its innovative platform. Their goal is to develop a smart UI RFP system that streamlines venue selection by matching event criteria with local venues, making the process easier for both novice and experienced planners. The startup tackles the inefficiencies and chaos in event planning logistics, where traditional methods often depend on unstructured communication and time-consuming resource searches. It is developing a marketplace that connects event planners, service providers, and venues, streamlining workflow and enhancing pricing transparency. Their solution enables planners to concentrate more on strategic decisions rather than logistical challenges, ultimately leading to better event execution and management.

Joshua and Hanna are former student leaders of the National Society of Black Engineers, where they have chaired events ranging from small-scale workshops to regional conferences with over 900 attendees. Through these experiences, they identified a significant need for a platform that seamlessly connects event planners, venues, and service providers. Motivated by a desire to develop solutions that not only address these challenges but also generate revenue, they applied to the Summer Founders Program. Their goal was to launch their first startup and acquire the knowledge and insights needed to navigate the entrepreneurial landscape, particularly in the event planning and management sector, where they have extensive experience.


Interview Questions with ArPlan: 

Team Members: Joshua Artis (Computer Science BS) and Hanna Armstrong (Biomedical Engineering)

Question: What is one thing that you learned from Summer Founders?

I have learned that even if you think the solution to your problem is relevant there may be more information in the wider market than previously thought to help you craft a better solution.

Question: What has been the most impactful feedback from a mentor or speaker so far?

 You cannot make a difference if there's no difference to make.

Question: Is there any special quote from an entrepreneur that motivates you?

 Pressure is a privilege.

Question: Please share your social media handles. 

Question: Are you involved in any clubs or sports on campus or off campus in which you participate?

 We were members of the National Society of Black Engineers both here at UD and on the Regional Level(Region 2). The mission is "to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community.”


One Click Docs

Team Members: Alex Berman (Mechanical Engineering BME)

One Click Docs provides software solutions tailored to each client's specific needs, targeting small to medium-sized businesses that could benefit from greater workflow automation. Their services include integrating software applications that automatically execute tasks in response to specific actions. Their startup works to reduce the amount of time businesses have to spend on repetitive tasks being done manually. One Click Docs is working to automate the manual process with custom software.

Alex mentions that when he was trying to create a physical product he ran into many fundamental issues with this type of business. This realization led him to move into the software space and eventually team up with his childhood friend “Taggart”, who is a self-taught software developer.  Alex and Taggart quickly found multiple businesses that needed new software automation and this is when they chose to start One Click Docs.

Interview Questions with One Click Docs:

Question: Why did you apply to the Summer Founders program?

 “I applied to the summer founders program because I felt that the structure of the program would give me a well-rounded view of what metrics are important to run a successful startup.” 

Question: What is one thing that you learned from Summer Founders?

“The first week of summer founders we were doing this exercise which was an audit of our startup.  During that exercise, I realized that when I was talking to random people about my start-up instead of trying to target people that I think have the problem.” 

Question: What has been the most impactful feedback from a mentor or speaker so far?

 “The most impactful feedback I have gotten so far was from Farhad Baqi who talked to me about the importance of structuring a company and he gave me a book to read - which I did and it changed the way I view different aspects of my business.”

Question: Is there any special quote from an entrepreneur that motivates you?

"I cannot lose if I do not quit" - Alex Hormozi

Question: Are you involved in any clubs or sports on campus or off campus in which you participate?

“One of the clubs/extracurricular activities I go to is Venture On.”

Question: Is there anything you'd like to tell us that we didn't ask?

 “Taggart and I started One Click Docs a year ago and Taggart has been working full-time on One Click Docs since it started”. 


Offshore Fishing Intel Services

Team Members: Dylan Mooney (Civil Engineering BCE) 

Offshore Fishing Intel Service provides reliable, targeted information to private offshore fishermen pursuing tuna, marlin, and wahoo, all at an affordable price. The service delivers daily reports based on intel gathered from experienced charter fishing boats operating in the desired areas, with captains receiving a percentage of each report sold. For customers seeking additional support, the service may also offer personal phone calls and coaching for an extra fee.


Kitch Co.

Team Members: Evyn Appel (Sustainable Food Systems BS) and Thomas Kramer (Sustainable Food Systems BS) 

Kitch Co is dedicated to addressing the issue of household produce waste, which often results in significant loss of value. Fresh fruits and vegetables, though essential, have some of the highest cost-per-calorie ratios among groceries and are also highly perishable. For consumers, ensuring that these items are consumed after purchase is crucial to avoid this loss. Through interviews with problem owners, Kich Co found that this challenge is common among busy middle to upper-income households, who frequently struggle to use the produce they buy. Their own experiences align with those of their target customers, who described alternative solutions as expensive, ineffective, or difficult to use. 

Evyn and Thomas are working to solve the question of “What’s for dinner?” by keeping an inventory of what's in your kitchen and presenting attainable recipe options.  As two Sustainable Food Systems majors, both team members share a passion for food and reducing food waste.  They said that although Kitchen Co’s environmental origins have remained the same, they have also picked up a secondary goal of providing convenience, flexibility, and money-saving strategies for potential customers.

Interview Questions with Kitch Co. :

Question: Why did you apply to the Summer Founders program?

 “We wanted to work on an idea we are both passionate about and take it to the next level. Summer Founders seemed like the perfect opportunity.”

Question: What is one thing that you learned from Summer Founders?

 “Some days, everything is going to click, and other days, absolutely nothing is. We must learn to trust that it is all part of the process.”

Question: What has been the most impactful feedback from a mentor or speaker so far?

 “Narrowing your initial customer base is not hindering your start-up, it's clarifying your solution.”

Question: Is there any special quote from an entrepreneur that motivates you?

"Be more Roman and less Greek" - Vince DiFelice

Question: We like to share news about our Summer Founders teams across UD. Please write any clubs or sports on campus or off campus in which you participate.

“We are/were both involved in the Hydroponics Club, VentureOn, and Community Sessions. Tommy was a Free Lunch Friday Coordinator and a Horn Ambassador. Evyn is a Blue Hen Ambassador (tour guide) and is engaged in undergraduate research.”


The Innovative Progress: How the Summer Founders Program is Shaping Startup Success:

As the Summer Founders Program progresses, the teams are making significant strides in refining their projects and business models. The different range of ventures, from ArPlan's event planning solutions to Kitch Co.'s innovative approach to reducing food waste, highlights the program's commitment to fostering entrepreneurship across various industries. Each team benefits from tailored mentorship and feedback, which is crucial for overcoming challenges and achieving their goals. The collaborative environment of the program encourages knowledge-sharing and networking, providing participants with valuable industry insights and connections. As they approach Demo Day on August 15th, 2024, these startups are poised to showcase their progress and demonstrate the potential impact of their innovations. The experiences and skills acquired during this rigorous program will set a strong foundation for the individuals future success in the entrepreneurial world.


The Summer Founders Program and Demo Day:

In conclusion, the Summer Founders Program at the University of Delaware provides a dynamic platform for emerging entrepreneurs to develop and refine their ventures over a 12-week period. With a combination of stipend support, personalized mentorship, and educational sessions, participants receive essential resources to advance their innovative ideas. The program culminates in "Demo Day" which takes place on August 15th. This event will include the ventures and the ventures will be presented to a wider audience. This event signifies the end of a transformative journey, highlighting the program's role in fostering entrepreneurial talent within the Horn Entrepreneurship community. To explore these groundbreaking projects, registration for Demo Day is available here.


About Horn Entrepreneurship

Horn Entrepreneurship serves as the creative engine for entrepreneurship education and advancement at the University of Delaware. Currently ranked among the best entrepreneurship programs in the U.S., horn Entrepreneurship was built and is actively supported by successful entrepreneurs, empowering aspiring innovators as they pursue new ideas for a better world.