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5 Reasons to Attend The Summit

Written by Dylan Gerstley | Feb 6, 2018 9:00:51 PM


The big ol’ Summit is coming up! The Summit, brought to you by the amazing people who run the Diamond Challenge, is totally focused on youth and entrepreneurship and providing a unique and life changing experience to any aspiring high school entrepreneur. Visit the three day conference and enjoy meeting other young entrepreneurs, dancing with new friends and speaking to successful entrepreneurs.

1. Meet people from all around the world

The global pull of the Diamond Challenge Summit is nothing short of incredible and that means new friends from all sorts of places. Kelly Landis, a Diamond Challenge Ambassador and current Entrepreneurship & Technology Innovation major, said “The diversity at The Summit is just so special. Seeing people from so many different countries who were all driven, passionate, motivated people who wanted to share their thoughts on ideas was really eye opening and exciting. The people I met are really interested in using their talents and entrepreneurship to create positive change in the world.” Sounds great! But let’s take a step back for a minute, because if we are being real, meeting so many new people all at once can be a tad overwhelming. But don’t stress, Sierra Ryan-Wallick, another Diamond Challenge Ambassador, adds her thoughts below.

2. Find common ground with other motivated students

“Initially, everyone stays with their groups but as people grew more comfortable I got the chance to meet people from Africa, Moldova and Costa Rica,” said Ryan-Wallick. “Entrepreneurship brings people together in so many different ways. With people pitching how to solve their community’s problems, everyone gets to enter the conversation on a level playing field and find space for collaboration to improve everyone’s projects and reach their goals.” The Summit is a fantastic place to engage with other young students interested and empowered by entrepreneurship. The youth of today will define the future of tomorrow through vehicles like entrepreneurship, as many successful entrepreneurs can attest! Which, speaking of…

3. One on one sessions with successful entrepreneurs

Every Summit attendee will be able to meet many successful entrepreneurs and get the chance to speak to them one on one. Enjoy feedback on your idea from a qualified expert or simply get some advice for your surely lofty career goals. As Horn Entrepreneurship’s very own Zack Jones, author of The World Changer’s Handbook, said “Entrepreneurship teaches you how to add value to the lives of others. Once you have that skill, the sky’s the limit.” Attending The Summit definitely puts you one step closer!

4. Music and Dancing

Enjoy some of the hottest music cooked up by the one and only DJ Amaze with your new friends. Step out of the shower and (put your clothes on first!) let us all hear that voice you have been keeping under wraps! Break out your own moves on the conference floor or find some direction and improved health with a wonderful Zumba class on offer.

5. Enjoy a world made by you

Remember, The Summit was designed for you, to be enjoyed by you! Take the opportunity to meet new people and open your eyes to new ways of thinking. The three-day conference will be an amazing place to meet a community full of motivated young professionals who are ready to make their mark on the world!

Get a head start and sign up today to enjoy the full range of benefits Summit has to offer!


About Horn Entrepreneurship

Horn Entrepreneurship serves as the University of Delaware’s creative engine for entrepreneurship education and advancement. Built and actively supported by successful entrepreneurs and thought leaders, Horn Entrepreneurship empowers aspiring innovators and entrepreneurs as they pursue new ideas for a better world.